Why You Should Ask Your Caterer To Set Mirrors At The Back Of Each Serving Table

Working with a caterer in advance of a party, wedding, or corporate event isn't just about choosing what food you'll serve to your guests. You should also give some thought to how the food will be available. If you want a self-serve situation, you might plan to have several long tables positioned around the venue to hold the food. One good idea is to have your catering service set long, thin mirrors at the back of each table. Doing so isn't to give your guests an opportunity to watch themselves as they get their food — rather, there are other benefits that these mirrors provide.

Helping People To See What's Available

Sometimes, a guest may miss seeing a certain dish or condiment because it's positioned at the rear of the table — potentially behind a large serving vessel. In order to prevent such individuals from having a substandard experience at your gathering, mirrors can be an asset. When someone stands in front of the table of food, he or she will be able to notice the reflection of the food in the mirror. If something were semi out of sight from the front, the reflection in the mirror will help the dish to be visible.

Giving The Appearance Of More Food

Sometimes, the food that you lay out at an even can look sparse, even if there's more than enough to fill each of your guests. The placement of a mirror at the rear of each table helps to give the illusion that there's more food than there actually is. This can be advantageous because your guests will feel as though you're being an abundant host, rather than perhaps someone who is looking to cut corners on the cost of the event by skimping on the catering.

It Can Prevent Overcrowding

If you position each food table against a wall, people can only approach it from one side. However, if a table is out in the center of a room, people may serve themselves from both sides of the table — even if that's not what you want. If you've set up the food so that it's most easily accessible from one side of the table, you want to encourage the flow of traffic on that side. A mirror at the rear of the food can provide an obstacle that can prevent people from crowding around the wrong side of the table and serving themselves from that angle.

To learn more about catering, contact an event caterer in your area.

About Me

Food Services: Choosing Quality Vendors and Products

As a restaurant owner, you have a lot on your plate both metaphorically and literally. You need to balance cost, prices, staff hours and other expenses, but you also need to serve up plates of food and fun. Hi, my name is Brenda, and I have created this blog to help you have it all. In this blog, I am going to include tips on how to run your restaurant efficiently, how to pick the right vendors, and how to ensure you have access to quality products. I grew up living above a restaurant, and although I did not stay in that industry, I eat out at least once a day and pay careful attention to industry news. I love writing so I created this blog. I hope it helps you with your restaurant.
